little jerry has taken off again, as well as "buffy" the little stray(?) who has been coming around for about a year now.. i am sure they'll be back.. if they come around before nitzy goes up to bed, she sees them and frightens them away.
today i started back to work at w.p.f.s. i have the same job i had when i worked there before, i think it will be fun and the paycheck will be more fun!! my hours are 9 to 3, can't complain about that. i will also be working at least 1 day of late care. i signed up for fridays in sept.. i may see if i can just do that each week. today was a work day with no children.. setting up the rooms, putting up bulletin boards.. tomorrow will be more of the same and parent orientation.
it is dark already.. only 8 o'clock.. when did that happen
i have some "homework" already. i don't remember that from last time... "professional development goals" and how i plan to achieve them.. any suggestions. i don't really have any goals.. i just want to hold babies