Sunday, April 23, 2017

one month later ...

these pictures are so out of order, but i'll do my best to describe/explain..

top is the vinyl flooring in the basement
next is the far end of the basement with new paint, but old flooring

next.. painted living room and painted 1/2 bath in the basement

next is the painted garage

the last 3 photos are of the bedrooms and back down to the far end of the basement..

there have been a lot of changes in the last month..
all of the painting is finished.. 
the floors have been refinished..
the kitchen cabinets have been delivered, but won't be installed for a couple of weeks..
there is a bit more flooring to be installed in the basement first and some trim..

the kitchen window is going to be moved and replaced, that will be easier to do before the cabinets are in place..

last weekend all of the furniture, etc were moved from the storage unit to the house, so i spent the week unpacking and organizing... i got a lot done but there is still so much left to do..

i'll take more pictures and post again soon!