Monday, November 06, 2006


the top 2 pictures are gramma's room. then we have a picture from the balcony looking into the family room. then next one is the spare room and finally.... the lab


Casey said...

cool cool cool...

barbara said...

yay!!! someone is reading this thing


JS said...

make sure you prewire any stereo speakers into the walls. even put speaker wire where you know you might not put speakers now, but want to later. just color code them.

barbara said...

thanks, i am pretty sure we did. there are wires everywhere, it seems. we are even putting some outside for the "rock" speakers.


Casey said...

you're getting rock speakers??? ugh...are they going next to you plastic flamingoes?

barbara said...

yes we are having rock speakers... they will be very tasteful. i have to bring my poor faded pink flamingoes, did you know they are going to stop making them?

JS said...

Save The Flamingos! and sell them on ebay for thousands in a few years.

barbara said...

haha, some of them are almost white, they are so old. not antique even, just old.