Wednesday, March 11, 2009

time change

this time change is for the birds....  i started back at the y last week, shooting for the 6 am class monday through friday.  3 different workouts.  i made if 4 days last week, this week.... nothin'..... i am so tired.  i have been going to bed wicked early, waking up to let the cat out in the wee hours and not falling back to sleep until 4 or 5.  it makes getting up in time for class, really difficult.   i am going to try again tomorrow.  


Unknown said...

I loathe daylight savings...I'm literally in pain this week. How will I ever wake up for breakfast on Saturday. By the way, Chris stopped in at Centerville Pie serves breakfast...he says it's cute and clean...

Patty said...

yes, I have been waking up really early, too, which makes no sense. Maybe it's the moon...or the weather. Hopefully, you'll get back on track. Remember how much you liked the classes. What about Cheryl?

barbara said...

cheryl went once this week at 6 and she went to an 8 o'clock class this morning. it was all seniors!! anyway, she said it was a good class. i couldn't go with her because i was bringing bryana to school. i am looking forward to sleeping till 6 tomorrow, haha.