Wednesday, March 30, 2011

march 30

i had to meet jesse at work this morning.. he overslept and i had his lunch and he had his dog, we traded. the good thing about that is that i got showered and dressed earlier than usual and may actually get my chores started in a timely fashion.

i am going to cardio pilates this morning and plan to work some in that messy office. i did a couple of things yesterday so i hope i can get things cleaned up a bit more today. it sure would be helpful to sell a house or two. i could tidy up everything!!!

i also have my ONE HOUR of work this afternoon/evening.

it is nice and sunny out, although still quite chilly..

monday karen and jack came over for dinner.. meatloaf and lentil loaf, baked potatoes, green beans and salad.. i made some little raspberry walnut pie crust roll up thingies to have with coffee.

yesterday sharon and amy came over for tea in the afternoon. i was making bread, i have some old sourdough starter and i am trying to revive it. the bread was fine, but not really "sour". i guess i'll keep feeding the starter and try again in a couple of days. i sent some starter home with sharon and someone at pilates wants some if it is still alive, (i think it is)


Unknown said...

The bread was yummy, and did I leave my bacon salt there?!

barbara said...

yes you did