Saturday, July 05, 2014

Party at Casey and Chieko's!!

Yesterday the iguchi-beans had a GIANT party...just about everyone they invited showed up with food and drink (and children).. One young man told me it was the biggest party he had been to here in japan... The kids were wild (not my darlings of course :-) ) Casey rounded them all up before the party was over, to pick up the toys they'd dropped everywhere, inside and out.. It certainly made that part of the party clean up quick!

It was "interesting" to see the different parenting styles.. It seemed there was a lot of "let them figure it out for themselves".. Ray came to me at one point ant said "nanny, there are some kids doing something dangerous outside". They had gotten into the tool shed and were using rakes and garden stakes as weapons.. None of their parents,who were all nearby, seemed to be concerned.. I told them they should probably put those things back in the parent said "you think they shouldn't be playing with them?"...what?!?  Anyway they just switched to fallen branches after that..

Rain was in the forecast but mostly held off.. A good time was had by all..

Ray also had a program at school that Chieko and I snuck away to with the boys for about an hour.. Ray's class, as well as others, performed a little song and dance/marching routine and the kids then went into various classrooms for games and prizes...

8:20.. Everyone is still sound asleep was another late night for the plans for today except to tidy and recycle..

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