Tuesday, August 07, 2018

august 7, 2018

hair update:
it took 3 hours, but the sides are 99% color free and i am pleased with the results...
what i don't really understand though, is why the color washes out after a couple of weeks of shampooing, but needs repeated bleaching to remove color i DON'T want!  anyway, this color, what ever it is, is fading much slower than the previous times.. yay..

casey has a couple of weeks off now, and has spent the last 4 days building a fort/treehouse for the boys.. one of his friends came over on sunday to help him get the foundation (?) started... 
he has been on his own, with limited help from me and chieko, since then

day 1

before clearing

after clearing

day 2

view from the house

view from the tree house/fort

day 3

leo played in the dirt underneath after doing a little staining of the siding....

casey rigged up the hose so he could rinse off in the "outdoor shower"

he had a lot of fun running back and forth.. still wearing his shoes and socks 😂

day 4

today the walls, siding and roof were completed..

tomorrow may be a day of rest or maybe a day of doors, painting and perhaps a ladder!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love it !! what a good dad