Saturday, April 21, 2012

sunday (in japan)

everyone is still asleep here.. 6:55 a.m..... 

friday afternoon i rode the bike to the grocery store.. unaccompanied by anyone who speaks japanese....
i picked up a few familiar things and a couple of items by looking at the picture on the packaging...  the "margarine and sugar" sandwich was a  little disappointing.. looked like butter to me! otherwise i did okay... couldn't understand what the cashier was asking me, i think it was did i have a store card, for points... i just smiled and shook my head no.. she must think i am a moron..

yesterday casey, ray and i went to a different playground, which was mostly slides for rays age, and some more slides for older kids, requiring some fancy footwork to get to them.. he had fun and we heading back to the playground that i rode to on thursday..  turns out i was a couple of buildings away from where i should have been going and it WAS a school.. not where i was supposed to be at all!!

ray fell asleep before we got there, so casey drove me by some land that he and chieko have been looking at to buy and build a home .. it was very nice.. mountains views and more space between the houses in their current neighborhood.... plenty of space for a garden... in law apartment...

last night francis and myumi came over for dinner.. they brought a lovely pot of stew, casey made salad and had picked up a couple of baguettes.... chocolate cake for dessert also brought by francis and myumi,  delicious!

casey and chieko have legless chairs for sitting at the kotatsu.. it's nice to be able to lean my back against something, but i am sore all over from having to haul my fat butt up off of the floor thoughout the day.. they also have a very comfortable couch, but i tend to fall asleep whenever i find myself on it.

1 comment:

mamaferg said...

in law apartment as well as their in law friend?????