Thursday, April 19, 2012


i seem to be having a bit of trouble keeping track of the days... here it is friday already and i can't seem to distinguish one day from the next.. not that it is a bad thing...

i am really enjoying my time here and loving getting to be nannie..

monday ray and casey went to school... i must have done something during the day..

tuesday ray got to stay home and we just mostly hung around.. i made rice and beans for dinner..

wednesday ray was at school again.. i would love it if he stayed home everyday, but i don't want to mess up his routine too too much, besides it gives me leo time!! i made lentil soup for dinner with salad and chieko made delicious bread.

thursday ray stayed home again and we took a bike ride to a local playground that casey said was fun.. i got us there without getting too lost or run over, but there were a bunch of school children there and i wasn't sure if it was a school playground or if the kids were on a field trip and since i can't communicate, i couldn't even ask if it was okay to stay and play... sooo... we came back home.. i think we will try again tomorrow.. i made soy sesame tofu last night.. we also had salad, rice and some pork stir fry (leftover) that chieko had made for lunch..

today ray is back at school and i am getting some more leo time.. he is sleeping most of the time and right now he is curled up next to me while chieko catches a few winks.. leo is already holding his head up, pretty steadily, and looking around.. my grandchildren are SO above average, haha.. and adorable.. making sweet potato burgers for dinner tonight

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