Saturday, August 10, 2013

i must remember to bring my camera with me part 2

so where did i leave off...


our flight from jfk to tokyo was great.. long, but no turbulence, etc.. they fed us well and kept us hydrated.. there was one horrible little boy a couple of rows up, his mom must have been sleeping the entire time, he was hanging over his sit back bugging the people in front of us.. finally the flight attendant told him to sit down and put his seat belt on..when he started climbing onto the tray table at the seat across the aisle... still no sign of his mom...she eventually appeared and made him go to sleep..

suddenly (only sudden that monday was gone..) it was tuesday night.. 9 pm...

we cleared customs and made a mad dash to the "black cat" shop where we sent those mighty heavy bags along to casey and chieko's because we were spending the night in tokyo... our connecting flight was not until 10 wednesday morning.... but because it was so late, our bags would not be delivered until thursday, no biggie... we had clean clothes and jammies in our back packs... the hotel was not luxury  by any means, but we got to shower and sleep horizontally.. breakfast was included as well as a free shuttle from and back to the airport..

another quick and easy flight across japan and we were met at the komatsu airport by 3 handsome fellas... it was awesome not to have to wait for our bags and walk right out of the baggage claim area to a jumping up and down ray and a not shy at all leo.. casey didn't seem too annoyed to see us either!

i must mention that is about a thousand degrees with humidity here..

a couple of stops along the way and we were HERE!!

we went out for sushi wednesday night.. this is the reason for my post title(s).. it was one of those conveyor belt places where the plates go by and you take what you want.. each plate was 100 yen, (about a dollar).. you can also order off of a menu if your favorite gets snatched up by someone else, it then comes around on a "special" plate so no one else grabs it.. it was delicious and ray said he wants to go again (he really is a well behaved little boy, sits in his seat, he is quiet and listens to his parents, most of the time, hah).. anyway i wanted to take a picture of it, but didn't have my camera with me!

thursday we hung around in our pajamas waiting for our bags to arrive and once they were here we got ourselves dressed and took a drive to see what was happening at the lot where casey and chieko are building their new home... again, no camera... we stopped by the beach and dipped our feet in the water of the Sea of Japan and had some shaved ice which was mighty refreshing (did i mention that it is hot?)

casey grilled meat, tofu, and vegetables (veggies were from his garden)  for dinner and i made a salad.

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